Mamas, Hoping and praying you are all doing well as kids are going back to school. I have to admit, it’s not easy over here. Knowledge is power they say. The thing is, when you send your kids into the world (aka school) they might be subjected to things YOU yourself know are not the best, but the rules must be followed.
THAT IS SO HARD for this mama’s heart. It’s hard because it’s my job to make sure my kids have the best environment to have a thriving immune system and overall health. But it feels like sending them to school under the current circumstances is going to undo what we work on at home…
One of the things that is REALLY bothering me is the CRAZINESS over anti-bacterial products forced on the kids at school! Like we gotta kill these bad bacterias at all cost! It’s mind blowing really, that people don’t know the difference between bacteria and virus, but that there’s so little knowledge about how the immune system functions amongst those who make decisions to mandate the usage of such thing. And the soap/sanitizer is just ONE of the things that am not happy with!
I need to share this with you because maybe you don’t know yet.


Soaps containing antibacterial chemicals got their start in hospitals and clinics. Those are both places where a sterile environment is necessary and much appreciated. It has only been in the recent years that these soaps have been marketed and sold to the household consumer.
Consumers buy the products because they claim to be effective in killing up to 99.9% of the bacteria on your hands. That is an attractive claim when you have lots of kids at home and illness is sweeping through your town.Although there appears to be a benefit to buying antibacterial products, research is showing that these soaps actually cause more harm than good.


  • The antibacterial chemicals are essentially antibiotics. They are effective in killing bacteria, but do not kill VIRUSES, which are the cause of colds and yes, the C-vid thing we’re dealing with.
  • The most susceptible bacteria strains are killed when washing your hands, leaving behind the stronger bacteria. This can lead to strains of bacteria resistant to antibiotics, such as the MRSA that we hear so much about in the news.
  • Research has shown that exposure to bacteria is actually GOOD because it strengthens your immune system. People—especially children—who live in a particularly sterile environment are more prone to infections when they do have exposure to germs.
  • According to the CDC, researchers are finding a link between allergies and the use of antibacterial soaps. Again, the soaps REDUCE THE NEED FOR THE IMMUNE SYSTEM TO BE STRENGTHENED , which can cause allergy problems as well….and well no one wants a weak immune system!


On top of the concerns already mentioned, there are increasing concerns about triclosan, which is the antibacterial ingredient in most commercial hand soaps and cleansers. Here are a few:

  • When mixed with chlorinated water (plain tap water), triclosan and the chlorine form chloroform gas.
  • Triclosan has been shown to cause endocrine disruption, which essentially means that it can disrupt hormones. The triclosan can accumulate in the fat in your body and cause hormonal problems. It has also been shown to damage liver function.
  • Triclosan has been linked to eczema, asthma and allergic reactions.

SO WHAT ARE WE SUPPOSE TO USE!?WATER and SOAP, not anti-bacterial, it’s a virus we are trying to avoid remember:)If you wash your hands, there is zero need for sanitizer. I don’t make this up, look it up! If you do need to sanitize if there is no water available, the OnGuard sanitizer (which contains over 60% alcohol as per CDC recommendations) or you can make your own with OnGuard oil and alcohol!
But you know what, too much sanitizer can increase infection risks! Not only does using too much sanitizer strip hands of important protective layers, but it also makes skin more irritable. A hand stripped of important oils and moisture is more likely to to be dry and damaged. It will also be more prone to cuts, which make it even easier for viruses to enter the body.–25235
There are so many things we can do for a better immunity, bur that’s a topic for another time. What we know is going to war against bacteria isn’t a good idea!💪 💪 💪 💪 💪 💪 💪 💪 💪
You can read about the science of why the soap and water is so effective against viruses here:
I also HIGHLY recommend that you research the microbiome and virome. I hope we all start to understand our immune system better so we can better take care of it! This is fascinating: